The Deck of Many Animated Spells, Tarot and More for 5e DND
Created by Hit Point Press
Cast your spells and more with style!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Rewards Progress + Tarot Preview!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 12:01:42 PM
Hey backers! We’ve got some awesome previews to share with you this week along with the update on rewards!
With this update, the majority of rewards are in the process of shipping or finalizing production! There won't be much to discuss or share at the same frequency while we wait, so we've decided to return to posting an update once a month. We look forward to sharing more exciting news in June!
Rewards Progress
Reprinted Decks - Fulfillment in progress! If all of the items included in your pledge have arrived at the warehouse, your rewards are in the queue to be processed and shipped out! 📬
Roll20 - We’re on the last step! What’s left is to obtain the codes from Roll20 and send them out.
Spellshaping - Final design review in progress.
Tarot- We're at the very tail end of production! We have some awesome preview images for you below, check them out! Freight is being booked for tarot decks and books.
Tarot reading mats and storage deck boxes - These items are currently delayed in Shanghai due to the COVID lockdowns. We'll keep you updated on when things are moving again!
SpellSlot peg reprint - In production!
Please note that with the COVIDlockdowns in China, there is some uncertainty regarding securing freight shipping to us and what that will mean in terms of delays. We’re working with our contacts to secure a spot to get rewards here as soon as we’re able. 🚢
Tarot Preview
We’re so excited to see all the elements come together! Originally we were going to provide images sent to us by the manufacturers, but samples arrived at our warehouse this morning! Take a look!
Address Changes
If you need to update your delivery address since we locked addresses last week, be sure to reach out to the team at [email protected] so we can update it for you! This is now the only way to make changes to your address for fulfillment.
Production Progress + Arrivals!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, May 27, 2022 at 02:14:49 AM
Hey backers! We’re back at it again with another update for you! Here’s the progress we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks:
Rewards Progress
Binders have arrived at our warehouse! (A Schnozling design from Heckna snuck into the image as well, we advise everyone to hold their nose! 🤡😠)
We’ve uploaded 1341 assets so far to Roll20, which is roughly 69% of all assets! Once all assets have been uploaded, Roll20 needs to approve them. We’re working with a member of their team to get this expedited to have them available for you as soon as possible!
Tarot rewards are in production
Spell Slot pegs have gone into production to resolve the error detailed in our previous update
Spellshaping is going through design edits
Reprinted Conditions, Townsfolk and Illusions decks are currently cruising by Japan 🚢
Seeds of Decay is a new campaign setting for 5th Edition by acclaimed fantasy artist and game designer Darryl T. Jones.
Rot and decay are spreading at an alarming rate, threatening the lives of all who live there. Terrible creatures twisted by decay hunt any who call the light their friend.
Seeds of Decay features dozens of new hero options, rules for playing tiny characters, a new foraging and contraption building system, wondrous new magic items and much more!
Rewards Progress + Animated Tarot Previews!
over 2 years ago
– Sun, May 08, 2022 at 05:46:30 PM
Hey backers!
There’s not a whole lot to share this update, but check out what’s new below!
Rewards Progress
Reprinted decks have reached North America! Though I don’t have the details on where they’re getting unloaded and when, I can confirm their ship is currently moored outside a port in British Columbia. Can’t wait to receive confirmation they’re headed towards us by land!
Most Roll20 assets have been uploaded on the backend! We are now working with our rep to move through the approval process as quickly as possible. We have 17 batches to submit and will keep you updated on our progress!
Tarot is still in production, but the manufacturers have provided us with some videos and images of the tarot cards. Check the cards out in their pre-cut state below!
Animated Tarot Previews
The manufacturers are hard at work with the Animated Tarot! Take a look below at how the cards are coming along!
Rewards Progress + Base Tarot Deck Box and Booklet Preview!
almost 3 years ago
– Sun, May 01, 2022 at 10:28:26 PM
Hey backers!
We have another exciting tarot preview for you, as well as a couple of reward updates. Check them out!
Rewards Progress
Reprinted Decks - The decks are in Ontario! What’s left is for them to hitch a ride on a truck and get dropped off at our warehouse. We’re optimistic they’ll be here soon and it’s likely the next time you hear about them, we’ll be announcing their long anticipated arrival! Reminder that these decks include Cantrips, Illusions, Townsfolk and Conditions.
Roll20 - Another anticipated arrival! What’s left is finalizing the assets for the packaging. So close!
Spellshaping - Final design review, and then off to the printers!
Remaining physical rewards (Spell slots, deck storage boxes, reading mats, etc.) - In production
Tarot - Though the cards are still in production, we have another preview for you! Remember the foil and gloss mock-ups from last update? They have graduated to box form! Along with the box and sleeve, we also have an example of the booklet that will be included in the base decks. Check them out below!